repost from nini.
good vibes birthday at 22!
whoa. i can't believe it's another plus one. i swear, time flies by so friggin' quickly! and well, like i've always said the past couple of months, 2009 has been no where near being a good year. and i just feel really good about this year. and year 22 feels like a kick ass year! i guess that's mostly the reason why i woke up feeling ever so happy this morning! i've been having really good mornings the past few weeks. i don't have that usual picking-up-from-where-last-night-left-off kind of feeling anymore. every day's a new day. it's been so long since i've felt so......... renewed. and i guess the whole gv-outlook has greatly helped.
22 sounds good to me. sounds older. but better. but older. hahahaha!

good morning birthday boy!
woke up to my parents' gift. i bet if we were at home, i would've been awaken by my dad's incessant piano-playing of his timeless rendition of the birthday song. it never gets old though. come to think of it, i actually kinda miss it. he didn't play it when we got home. anyway! i didn't open their gift yet 'cos i wanted to save it for dinner when the rest of the family's there. so we had a quick breakfast and we dropped my dad off. i got off at greenbelt first 'cos i wanted to buy something for myself.

morning coffee with the mother.

this is how she works.

dream photo-walk.
greenbelt is a whole lot different in the morning. it was romantic in a different sense. or i guess anything with sunlight nowadays is romantic for me. the sun is just a ball of happiness right now. i hardly get to see it that much anymore. so anytime and every chance i get to do so, i just roll over of happiness. morning plus chai tea latte plus mom was a good morning alright. it was so funny watching her talk on the phone and do her stuff. i'm thinking, that's practically all she does all day. and mind you, it's actual transactional shit that she talks about on the phone. she's one big fund managing machine on the go.
i was looking through magazines while waiting for the rest of the shops to open when i chanced upon this magazine, "tsuper". i'm not sure what kind of magazine it really was cos it had fashion and travel in it. but it was mostly about escapades in the greater manila area. and what do you know, the issue i got coincidentally featured quiapo! i know i know. i probably sound like some feeling-photographer boy trying to be in the in-places. but really, i'd like to walk around there one of these days. just go see what it's all about. so i sort of took down mental notes on the place, hoping i'd still get to pull them up when the need finally arises.

i didn't know they now employed yayas in m&s.
i promised myself i'll buy something on my birthday. no skimping on ryan today! it's the only day i get to get away with spending! and i think i went a little too far. i bought a new plaid shirt, a pair of cute walking shoes and shades. so yes, i'll never get out of poverty. but who cares, i'm happy! oh and i realized earlier today, i really do need to be on a diet already. i mean seriously, the letting-go-of-ryan's-diet is getting a little too far ahead already. i'll give myself 'til sunday. haha! anyway. shopping was done a couple of hours later. so i was off to the office!
jess gave me a cup of pudding from taiwan. and it was perishable. too perishable. so i ate it right away.

chilled taho?
i was excited for dinner the entire day. i don't know why. probably cos i get to leave the office early (again) and dine out without spending a dime! the prospect of skimping makes me all giddy lately. and i'm not even joking anymore. like every peso literally counts. and dinners like this just hypes me up so much. just thinking how i get to save one meal's worth of spending gets me going for the entire day. i shit you not.
chateau was a blast.

ze sister and ze brother.

bread makes her happy.

so does butter.

this is an elephant. believe it.

i really like what i got for presents this year! my sister and my brother-in-law gave me stuff for cy. they had this lens cloth and brush-pen thing for the lens, to keep it clean and all that. they probably thought i'm a grimey person. hahaha. oh and they got me a nice lens filter too! at least now i don't have to like fear for my lens' death. cos before, i'd feel like people would totally scratch and break my bare lenses. which is not far from happening btw. knowing how clumsy of a person i am. then my parents got me this nice plaid shirt. i knew they got me something like that cos my mom kept telling me i should've opened her gift for me before i went out to buy me a shirt. but oh well, i wanted more eh. so i bought more. hahaha!

happy birthday ninong.
we dropped by the church in the middle of greenbelt for a quick birthday prayer. odd thing, i ended up getting distracted by the little things around the church. so i was like taking pictures while they were all praying. for me. and my soul. and its future in hell. hahahaha! i've ADD. i swear. i can feel it.

red mango to cap the night off.
i feel like i really have a lot more to say. and i do. but i just wanted to put the pictures up before i sleep.
today was really fun. it was very gv. i like it. amazing how gv has changed my outlook on birthdays. i mean, i can't believei actually enjoyed today and looked forward to it! and i guess it also helped a lot that greetings kept pouring in through facebook and my phone. maybe it's just me but i felt like a lot more people greeted me this year. which got me all hyped up into the whole day! i am ever so grateful for the people who have greeted me today. you don't know how loved you've made me feel today. not that i'm deprived or anything. but seriously, it makes the heart skip a beat. and in a good way. hahahaha!
22 is a good year.
it started good!
i'll sleep now.
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