repost from nini.
spontaneity is a hit or miss thing.
friday was supposed to be a little grandioso. but sometimes, simplicity is the best way to go. and well, it gets tiring to entertain more than a handful of people too. you end up not interacting with most of them. and you just spend the whole night going around making sure everyone's having the time of their life. and besides, i didn't have the time to like pool things up in the condo. or prepare for anything. so i didn't pull people in anymore. hahaha!
us february boys were planning to throw something big. but the week's hectic issues got the better of us. not to mention conflicts of schedule with the rest of treasury. and well, also the conflicts. just the plain conflicts. hahaha! honestly, i'm sick of it. and whatever gets me farthest away from it would be greatly welcomed. gv is the key. and sometimes, some people are just not gv enough. okay, i'm getting ahead of what i'm supposed to be saying.
so anyway. we got to leave the office around 9.30. carlo, ed, mico, candy, tin, lads, mish, and jay. we were off to dampa.


no crabs for the night.

someone's happy.

"kuya, kunan mo naman ako. *randomly picks up a fish*"

white and black. i never figured out how they differed.

bags of fishies.
good thing we didn't get crabs. crabs freak the hell out of me. i don't understand how people would be patient enough to nit-pick through the shells. the fishies were perfect for the lenten friday. but then we bought a kilo of pork for carlo. 'cos everything else on the table were his kalaban. i left all the haggling to candy. i trust the chinese in her to get the best deals for us. and besides, it's not like i would've known what the right prices were anyway. they could've priced it twice as much and i wouldn't have had any idea. and well, i had my hand pretty occupied.
then we did a little dvd shopping. well, they did.

notice the lady lumps.

i am eternally amazed with piracy and its whole unapologetic slapping of the entertainment industry. i pity the producers who try to copyright their shit and all that. but then it's us poor people against them billionaires. so yes, i'm all for piracy. i mean, three really clear dvds for a hundred?! it's a steal! literally! hahaha!
there were some movies there that i never knew existed. and like box sets of countless tv series. it just makes you want to go retire and be a couch potato. it's an enticing lifestyle i tell you. better than any career paths out there. but for now, we'll settle with treasury POs. haha.
then there was food. lots of food.

asawa moment.

asawa moment too. but not now ha.

calamares. hit of the night.

tuna belly. shrimp.

i smell fish.

lads. mico. jay. mish. ed. carlo. candy. diane. tin.

and then some more pretend-shopping.
it was too early to call it a night. so we went to saguijo in guijo street. genius right? i discovered it last year. and from what i remember, it was this artsy fartsy loud place. but then when we got there last friday, it looked a whole lot different. the place was brimming with people. too much people. and the music they were playing was too loud. it wasn't the kind of thing we weren't looking for that night. we saw vinci there. cos we said we'll see him there. but we ended up leaving the place ten minutes later.
so we were back to what we originally planned. drinks in my condo. diane and i were just too eager to drink.
we did a quick stop over in mini stop and picked up the cheapest stuff we saw. then when we got to the condo, we hooked moki up and cranked the volume. then came the drinking. oh and i lost my camera here to ed. so he started snapping away. he was too happy with cy.

raisinets was all she needed.

same boat.

headless tin.


old people get sleepy early.

then vinci came.

and so did jess.


all for bread pan.

and frozen pizza.

someone's kilig.

someone's also kilig.

then i got a hold of my camera again.
the night happened too fast. the drinking too. which i guess is the reason why i got a buzz after the third glass. but then again, i had like five glasses and a shot of that bubble gum lambanog. which is death in a glass by the way. i think my alcohol tolerance is getting lower already. i'm not sure if that's a good thing. anyway, people had to go home. and i had to bring diane home. so with a little buzz, i did. ed tagged along. we left carlo and jess and vinci in the condo. they were sleeping over.
diane still claims i drive like a maniac. fifteen minutes to her house from the fort isn't that crazy. i think. i drove in much worse alcoholic conditions. but i guess, i'm never the safest bet when it comes to rides home. but i'm always willing though. haha! the drive back to the condo took longer. we made the mistake of taking edsa. i thought 1am edsa would be a lot tolerable. i was apparently wrong. we had a lot of things to talk about though. so the ride wasn't bad at all.
when we got back, jess and carlo and vinci were all dead asleep on the couches. we tried to wake them up. all to no avail.
so ed and i tried sleeping. but it didn't work. we were too fired up with the things we were talking about. in short, we were up til 6.30 am laughing our asses off. if i have gv, ed has sg. going live on march 1. hahahaha! around 6, carlo and jess got up actually. they had to go to the zambales thing. so did vinci. after they left, we tried catching some much needed sleep. a couple of hours later, i drove him to sucat. in record-breaking time of fifteen minutes by the way.
i spent the entire saturday sleeping. literally. for some odd reason, i was hung over five glasses. weird. really weird. and by hang over, i mean the whole headache and shit. it was probably the lack of sleep too.
friday was good.
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