repost from nini.
after a looooong while, my family finally gets to get a house somewhere relaxing. it's always been a dream for us to get some sort of a rest house some where. of course the perfect scenario would be to get a place along the beach. but that would be a financial nightmare (for me, that is). so some time january, we finally agreed to buy the tagaytay house that's being sold to us for the longest time. my sister and my joint investment. which translates to instantaneous poverty by the way. but then looking at how kick ass the house turned out, i'm thinking, this is most definitely worth it!
easter sunday marked the day. we were to spend the holy week over in tagaytay and fix everything else that needed fixing. that sunday would then be blessing-day.

this could've been three separate pictures. and each would've had their own story.

it's hard when everyone's a boss. i pity he who was being commandeered here.

kuya ben, our family handy-man.

peace out.
my sister was in the mood to go a-cooking that day. prolly cos the kitchen was soooo convenient and enticing to cook in. so she went all martha-stewart on us (a normal thing, by the way). which is perfectly fine by me. it saves me from having to get involved in the kitchen. hahaha. come to think of it, it's been a while since i cooked. i'm sort of not missing it though. haha.

proud cook-er of her roast.
the rest of the day was spent outside, gardening. i'll never get to say that i have a green-thumb. cos god knows every single green living thing i touch will die. i tried, you know. and i proved my theory right. poor plants at our cainta-house. so i didn't even give it a try in this one. and well, they didn't let me anyway. they prolly know the consequence already. soooo, i settled with taking pictures instead. which worked perfect for me!

plants doing some yoga-twisting-shiznit.
then went around inside the house. and tried being all house-photographer.

this carpet was my suggestion! and damn proud of it. shaggy and all asthma-inducing. but i love it nonetheless.

the dining set was fo-sho.

lance found his new home!! my contribution to the house (aside from the big one). he was literally just gathering dust back in cainta. i haven't been to any house parties that much so he hasn't seen that much action. but ever since being brought to tagaytay, he's never rested. i love lance!
the next day started insanely early. the priest was supposed to come pretty early to start the blessing off. he was after all the show-starter. and well, there were a few other things we had to pick up from the grocery. i, of course, was sleeping. i'm a very useful son that way.
we decided to invite only relatives to the blessing. because everyone else outside that circle would require polite pleasantries. and i think we were all not in the mood for social formalities that weekend. we just wanted to put our slippers on, lay flat on the sofa, and stuff ourselves with non-effort home food.

applying lotion is an event in my family, apparently. it must be done next to each other.

yes, our priest was very priestly-looking. he makes you want to fall on your knees and repent. otherwise, it's a stab in the neck for you. or the heavenly punishments. whichever he's in the mood for.

and yes, he has a following. them boys-in-white.

gabbie wanted her own route.

and here i thought the coin-tossing thing ended with the 90s. i thought wrong. it was fun though. i should've hoarded those lucky coins.

there had to be hands behind the clean floors and peeled onions and watered plants (insert other chores).

breakfast was a riot.

and lunch happened a couple of hours later. yes, we're food mongrels that way.

some enchilada.

some beef-thing.

some bulalo-poser.

and so i thought i wouldn't be involved in the kitchen. but then i was tasked for that afternoon's food. i had to come up with some no-brainer. so baked mac it was!
tagaytay is love. :)
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