and so finally, us AS people finally got to book a trip. in fairness to us, we skipped the whole road-trip part and went straight to flying abroad. which was totally fine by me! anything involving traveling is a welcome change of scenery. i wasn't here in the country when diane booked our flight. but when i found out about it, they heard no apprehensions from me whatsoever. i gladly paid and went ahead with the non-existent plan.
i would put down the date here on when we actually flew out but things like that elude me nowadays. but the pictures are the only important things right? to hell with dates. on with the pictures!

TT03***146. yes, i have my passport number memorized. :|
so friday started pretty insane. well more of the entire trip started pretty insane. we just heard news about bangkok being under siege by rebellious people and that the parliament got chopper-ed out of the place and other crazy stuff like that. so naturally, our families went berzerk with the prospect of us being within a few kilometers of this frenzy. but being the poor people that we were, we decided we cannot write off five thousand pesos worth of promo-fare tickets just because the country decided to throw tantrum fits. so by 3PM, we were off to our three-part adventure of just plainly getting to thailand.
first, we had to take the train all the way from makati to the north station. from there, meet diane's parents. then they'll drive and drop us off at DMIA. and if all goes well, our flight to thailand pushes through and it's shopping galore for a couple and a half days! sounded like a rigorous but full-proof plan.
the train ride from makati was fairly easy. we just had to look stupid lugging around bags full of clothes. well, i only had a backpack. then when we got to trinoma, diane's parents were there. like clock work.

the dad's driving made me feel very happy. apparently, the apple fell far from the tree. very far.

reconfirming that our flight really was at DMIA!
cebu pacific promo-fares should be made notorious for hidden charges. we had to pay practically a quarter more of our plane fares worth of taxes. what a sham.

airport tax sickens me.
and then i got bored. so i started walking around and making DMIA look better. which in itself is already a feat.

we came prepared. baht-prepared.

DMIA's version of airport food. surprisingly, it was pretty tolerable. either that or i was just extra hungry.

weroam. it makes you work everywhere else.

it looked a lot worse.

a few moments before we received the PG text saying travel status to bangkok was officially raised to red. but even if we received it hours before, we totally would've ignored it anyways.
and so we got to bangkok in whole. cebu pacific ride wasn't as bad as i remember. it was just alright. i'm thinking they're tailor-fitting their planes to match what people are paying for. so go figure the comforts we were subjected to. "comfortable".
bangkok looked promising after touch down. no signs of rebellious upsets or what-nots. no red shirts in sight. it was very promising. the airport kicked ass. and i forgot i was third world-ing.

even 7-11 had pad thai! at a low-low cost of only 30-something baht. it was very tempting to hoard bags-ful of this thing. but then they would've melted.

it was one in the morning and we coaxed mish and jay out of their room. we were poor and squatted in the hotel's dining area. we thought it would be a brilliant idea not to book the night we get there. our brilliant idea was very tiring.

we had a long day cut out for us. bangkok had so much in store. be continued.
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