so we had the rest of our only full day in bangkok cut out for us. just so you know, we booked for a two-day-two-night thing. don't ask how that happened. we're spontaneous that way. a little too spontaneous and impulsive too sometimes. haha. so to not waste our short stay, we planned on spending them to the fullest. and by fullest we mean leaving the hotel for the floating market by 5am.
our contractual manong taxi person was on time. we sort of were. we were just sleeping by the dining area. how could we be late? so off we were to the floating market.

we try to look like we had a full-night's sleep.
we were at the river channels thing by 7 in the morning. and being the early birds, we had no competition whatsoever in getting boats. at the same time, we didn't know if we were getting good rates on the boat rides. but then it was thailand and everyone was in on the tourism. says jay. so you take a taxi and you inadvertently commit to taking a certain boat line too. that's thailand tourism for you. i say it's a national oligarchy.

mish rocking her red shades.

apparently, the white stuff on their faces was sunblock. that probably explains why they're under the scorching heat and still maintain their fair complexion. no one taught thai people the act of spreading.
the ride had several stops. first one being this random temple in the middle of the river channels. it was just about all the thai-temples we'll ever see for the rest of the trip. tourism wasn't our main agenda. the temple was more of a nice-to-have.

random story: a lola just decided to light some fire crackers up at 7 in the morning. we were all caught by surprise. sneaky old woman. we never really understood what she was trying to do.

i should've been part of this.

jay was happy feeding his fishes.

mish's flower.

and then there were monk-kids. lots of them. this is solicitation thai-lized.
the floating market was partly harassing. people along the sides kept pulling our boat towards them. you just marvel a little at one of their knick-knacks and they'll start pulling you with their hooked-sticks. you can't even make eye-contact with the vendors because you'll get pulled in. at one point, we felt like we shouldn't appreciate the little what-nots anymore cos we'll just end up spending unnecessarily long times in their side-shops.
but i gotta admit, they had really pretty interesting little pieces of room-clutter.

sex is peddled through little wooden things. no pun intended.

i never knew photo-bombing prior to this shot. ladey made it plain and simple.

the obligatory local beer shot.

the obligatory ladey-needs-to-take-a-picture-with-all-the-little-random-things shot.

a short boat trip later and we were off to the rest of our first and only full day. what we didn't know was we had a scornfully hot day ahead of us. thailand trained us for hell. be continued.
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