we woke up a couple of hours later all woozy and disoriented. there really was no jet lag but the lack of sleep the previous night left us all cronked out. but since we promised ourselves we won't be wasting any of our short precious time in bangkok, we all quickly prepped up for dinner and what could be the rest of the night.
we were also under the impression that our financial reserves were quickly dwindling (and we haven't even reached the height of our shopping yet). so we thought we'd just go around the corner and get us some street food. we're cheap and thrifty that way.

your average thai. but not your average pad thai.

across pad thai man were meats on sticks.
pad thai number...... i stopped counting eventually.
we brought our food back to the hotel and had our own little indoor picnic. mish's and jay's room ended up smelling like some thai kitchen. but i guess they didn't really mind. we ransacked it a bit more and decided we'd go drop by RCA. this is despite the fact that we were all light-headed from being tired and lacking sleep. plus the bigger fact that we were dragging lads along with us to sin-haven. we felt doomed for hell. RCA turned out just fine. we had a few drinks. we saw a lot of anecdote-worthy people. none of them got photographed though. i figured clubbing isn't cy's scene.
the next morning, we finally got to avail of our decent free breakfast. or the closest thing to it.

diane and the driest pad thai ever.

after breakfast, we had about an hour to spare from our schedule. we thought it might be interesting to check out the massage parlors across the street. we ended up finally getting our much-needed massages. diane and i went for just our feet. all the walking the previous day earned our feet some r&r. tin and lads went for the whole body massage! it was an experience alright!

we got ourselves more stories than we bargained for through our masseurs.
we felt completely energized after our massages. energized enough to go through what was in store for us for saturday. so we went back to the hotel to regroup and fix our stuff then we were off to the most-awaited chatuchak.

diane's and my room. we're unapologetically lazy.

half of the bathroom was outside.


the hotel's own tuk-tuk.

jay. he models. seriously.

so does diane. she wishes.
we got to chatuchak and went completely berzerk. i can't even describe how insane we all turned out. so insane that both tin and i had to tuck our cameras back in their bags to make way for a whole lot of serious shopping. i didn't get to take any pictures while going around the shops. not like you'd be able to anyway. the alleys were really cramped and you'll be enthralled with all the clothes you could (and did) hoard. we were too caught up with shopping that we got split up. jay and mish and diane ended up as a group and lads, tin and i went our own way too. we both understood it was for the best. divide and conquer, so we said. it was four hectares worth of conquerable shopping terrain!
a couple of hours and arm-fuls of shopping bags later, we got hungry and decided to grab lunch. take note, this was about three in the afternoon already. shopping over food.

thirsty enough to gulp down bottles of coke.

mild and not spicy. both were crazy-spicy. mild in thai is pretend-not-spicy.

lunch was just a quick break from our shopping. about half an hour later, we were back on the shopping-horse. we spent more than we ever thought we'd spend! five hours later and we still felt like we could've shopped more. we had to stop ourselves though because the rest of the country eventually threw a tantrum and had to be all rebel-esque. oh and well, we had a flight to catch too.
our adventure back to the hotel was unfortunately unphotographed. we got a little frantic because there were news that the red-shirt fiasco was already escalating in some parts of the city. we got even more frantic when we found out that the trains were closed down. we had to figure out a new way back to the hotel. long story short, we ended up walking about three kilometers from the nearest train station to our hotel. we even got to pass by the red-shirt rally and pick up a memorabilia. yeah, i got me a head-band thing from the red-shirts. i figured i won't be able to experience something like this ever again. might as well grab a part of history. at the possible expense of myself, might i add. but who cares anymore. haha!
so we got to our hotel alive. we first had to ravel in our conquest, aka shopping spoils. diane and i had to convert our dollar-reserves to baht to make way for more shopping. i shopped the most. three pairs of pants, seven polos, five pairs of shoes, four pairs of shorts, and a whole lot of shirts. too bad i didn't get to take a picture. but just when we were about to get lost in the ecstasy of shopping, we realized we had a flight to catch. bangkok trip cut short.
we taxi-ed to the airport and had to bid bangkok farewell.

from no-check-in bags to six-check-in bags!

bangkok airport kicked ass.

bangkok was truck-loads of unexpected fun. i didn't think we'd go crazy especially with the whole rebel-uprising threat going around the news. of course the whole thing was made even fun-er by AS.
this will be repeated. i swear.
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