there are just some days that plans are rendered completely useless. and if you think about it actually, the more you force it, the more it fails. spontaneity is the ultimate key. it does wonders beyond comprehension. and of course, spontaneity's never complete without mansanas.
a couple of saturdays ago, i planned to have one whole completely plan-less day. and i was aiming to keep it that way. my brain has been scattered all over the place the past few weeks and all i needed was to just chill at home and watch some mindless tv. so i played badminton in the morning but was suddenly hit by a spur-of-the-moment spontaneity. i texted a few people but when i got to the condo, i retired to bed almost instantaneously. after shower, of course. i woke up 4pm already and read about five messages from mansy. apparently, she had a headache and needed people to nurse it. as if i fit the job. but the prospect of bumming around in someone else's place is always inviting. so i was off to their place.
on my way, i picked me up my own surprise. leo's always a surprise. he's a fun toy to have around. haha!

the look that's obviously beckoning for some serious headache-caring.

leo, our toy for the night.

"love is forever". yeah right.
we stayed in her room a good 95 percent of the time. the room was fascinating enough to keep us entertained. plus all the little knick knacks lying around everywhere to tinker with. mansy's room screams entertain-yourself. well, that's always been the foundation of our friendship anyway. mind yourself because no one else will. hahaha! talk about invidualism. i'm amazed she's not single. that woman. pssh. haha!
of course carte postale had to be part of the night.

rummaging through the finished goods.

we were offered snacks. aka peanut lollipops.

"you think they'll like this?"
the pile of........... postcards. it's not trash. not trash, i tell you.

the take-my-candid-picture shot. because we're casual and natural that way.

because i'm the guest, i'm obliged to bring the DVD player we'll use to watch movies for the night. it's just your everyday practical house etiquette in action. nothing odd there.

carte postale in action. this is where your Php25.00 goes. save a girl from starvation.

because i'm the guest, i'm obliged to bring the DVD player we'll use to watch movies for the night. it's just your everyday practical house etiquette in action. nothing odd there.

paintings are usually left leaning against the walls. that's how mansy rolls.

paintings are usually left leaning against the walls. that's how mansy rolls.

i try my flexibility. i sort of failed.

"it could be worse."
and so we were all starving. the house didn't have stuff to eat. i heard the helpers were on their way home to the province or something. i never really understand how things worked in mansy's place. but it rocked! because they let deliveries from ken-afford in. and so anything from ken-afford is always gladly welcome. fond college memories, here we come.

we had quite a spread.

it wouldn't have been complete without stuffed pork chop. it used to be our staple lunch.

being the short-attention-span-ed people that we are, we got bored pretty easily. and well, we have mild cases of ADD too. so i wouldn't be surprised with our constant compulsion to move and be all jittery. i don't know about leo but i'm pretty sure mansy and i share the same abnormality.
so what to do at ten in the evening? go biking around the village!

the walk up the hill was worth the fifteen second gush of wind on our way down. fifteen minutes of hard labor for fifteen seconds of happiness. story of our lives.

there was a strawberry shake somewhere in the night. it remained unphotographed. too bad for my frozen strawberries, they don't get documented. they served being refreshments pretty well right after we got ourselves parched from biking. you will be sorely missed beloved frozen strawberries.
it would've been a shame not to use the player i shamelessly dragged to her place. so we had to do the obligatory watch-random-DVDs part of the night.
jay. a lot like love.

that night was fun. i wish mansy gets headaches more often than usual.
i miss spontaneity already.
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