there's something undeniably tantalizing about the idea of spontaneously being dragged to a road trip with random people to the beach for a weekend surf. every word in that seems to perfectly point towards random fun! so when i got the chance to do something like it, i grabbed the opportunity and just went with the flow (despite being financially restrained).
diane dragged me to take pictures of her while she surfed in baler, one weekend. and because i had to spread the spontaneity-bug around, i dragged marien along too! and we were off to a weekend of impulsive fun!

sin #1 of the day. fried rice.
eight hours later of hardly getting any sleep in the driver-from-hell van-ride, we finally got to baler. everyone seemed to be somewhere between woozy and giddy but diane, marien, and i were all in the sleepy-end of the crowd. so we snuck in some shut-eye for about ten minutes while everyone else mingled. we've very sociable that way.

diane's nothing-is-up face.

i need me some waves.

ian. the surfer guy that led us all to baler. and yeah, being led wasn't free.

some surfer....... manong.

the chips had to make their appearance.

i really had no plans of surfing. ryan and waves don't go well together. one gets unapologetically eaten by the other. and no, i don't eat waves. so with that, i decided i'd just take pictures.

un-abominable romi.

"changing partners"

the beers made an early appearance. i later on kindled a new found love for red horse.

where everyone else stayed. near the beach.

pre-law school marien. i like the pre-law school marien. the one after that becomes deranged and non-existent.

sex waxing.

my old set of speakers. best decision of the trip. EVER. i practically made myself look like a bratty boy again the night before 'cos i was late. i had to run back up to the trading room to grab my speakers. turned out to be the best reason to be late. i was absolved.

the waves are calling... they must go!
lunch was very much looked forward to. but i didn't expect much since the place was almost stripped of the urbanity we're used to. but much to our surprise, baler food was insaaaaanely good. and by good i mean butter-good. everything was cooked and dipped and sauced with butter. even their pancit was cooked with butter.

mavic and maggie out of focus.

romi telling one of his i-missed-the-hole-when-i-shat stories. it's hilarious. you have to hear it for yourself.

everyone was stoked. damn! i finally got to use the word. lol!

instant best friends. i make things possible like that.

gray sand. white slippers. stupid decision.

the heat was killing me. brains fried to a crisp.
and then marien met diane's hat.

and instantly became a jejemon.

new age jose rizal. only that he left the other one by the shore.

it was about 4pm when we decided it's time to rest. and by we i mean marien, diane and i. we seemed to have our own schedule. so we retired back in the bunk room and witnessed something i never thought was humanly witness-able.

yes, our inn's roof got hit by lightning and caught fire. literally. and this happened while we were inside the room. so while we were talking, all the surroundings suddenly went blindingly white. and kablam, lightning.

and then, rainbow.
later that night, we partied like crazy. all thanks to my speakers and a great set of fun people! it was epic. party music by the beach with warm beer. hahaha. there was a shortage of party alcohol but we made up for it with lame-ass party games. aka stop dance. we didn't mind the ginormous gamo-gamos flying all over. they eventually gave up. we're hardcore like that.
to be continued...
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